18 February 2015

Doing lent differently

Today is the start of lent and if someone asked me what it means I probably wouldn't be able to tell you. All I know is that it's 40 days before Easter and some Christians - mostly Catholics fast/give up something for this time.  To me, lent has never meant much until last year when I did the 40 Acts challenge.  Instead of fasting something for 40 days you do 40 random acts of kindness during lent. Each morning I would get an email with what random act was selected for the day and then I would do it. It was a lot of fun. When I saw the video on Facebook that they were doing it again this year I was like - "yes, I MUST do this again"

The really cool thing about this initiative is that it reminds us that we, as Christian's should be doing this everyday. It takes nothing to do or say something kind to someone and it's definitely one way to show Jesus's love to the people around you.

I'm going to attempt to do a short post, with a photo if possible each day of the random act selected for the day.

Today's one is to start a journal and write a list of people you want to bless during lent this year. I'm going to do this when I get home from work. I think it's a brilliant idea - it'll also help you to pick someone different each day to bless.

I'm excited for the next 14 days!


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