11 March 2014

Random Act of Kindess

I think that random acts of kindness is a great way to restore so faith in humanity. It helps people realize that there are some kind people out there and that not everyone out there is horrible. I also think that as a Christian when you do a random act of kindness you are able to shine your light for Jesus and show a little bit of His love to the world. 

A month or so ago, there was a thing on Facebook called Neknomination where people were getting nominated to do film themselves drinking, posting it on Facebook and then nominating someone else to do the same thing. Someone changed this to a RAKnomation, (Random Act of Kindness), the same principle applied but you had to do an act of kindness. I thought this was AN awesome idea. 

Someone I work with, Stef was RAKnominated. Here's the link to what he did.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk9_GxWwojE&app=desktop
After watching this, I've been inspired to notice where someone in my direct community may need some help and then stepping out and helping them. To us it may be 10 minutes of out time, but to them it restores faith in humanity, meets a need, brings a smile to their face and reveals Jesus to them.

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