The minute something mean or rude came out of my mouth I'm pretty sure I would have this saying said to me. I think it's a fundamental thing that people need to know because words REALLY hurt and can break a person.
Over the last few months a few people have had no tact around me and told me that I'm getting fat which is somewhat more hurtful than when people have told me that I've put on weight. These people probably don't know that I fight a daily battle with my self-image. They don't know that I already think I am fat most days or look fat/frumpy. I get these are all lies in my head and most days I am able to fight the battle pretty well but the minute someone says that I've put on weight or am fat I fall apart and the battle is lost. It's also easy for people to say - "don't believe it", "you look lovely" but all those things get shouted over by the negative words I've just heard.
I know I may get it wrong and say a hurtful thing to someone without thinking and sometimes it's just to be mean... I'm not perfect BUT it's never acceptable. It's never right NO MATTER what the situation - even if I opened my mouth and said something without thinking. There's never am excuse to say something unkind and hurtful, so why has it become acceptable for people to tell other people they have gotten fat? I clearly missed the memo and the follow up memo to smile and not let it affect you either...
I think if more people live with this thought, "If you can't be kind be quiet" a lot more people wouldn't get hurt by silly words, or have their self-esteem, confidence or self-image crushed by someone who forgot to think before they spoke.
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