14 March 2013

New Chapter

I feel like God has started a new chapter in the book he has called "Katherine"

On Monday night I ended a relationship that was not of God and not in His plan for me. It was hard,a  lot harder than I thought.  The person meant alot more to me than I thought they did, but I knew that if I didn't end it I would not be able to move forward with God and where He wanted to take me.  I think this goes down as one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, and as we all know all friendships are hard to end. 

I cried for literally two and half days, by eyes were SUPER sore on Wednesday, but that was when breakthrough came.  In the afternoon I met with two of the prayer warriors in our church and we prayed through breaking soul ties and whatever else God bought up. At the end of the session the pain in my heart was gone and something had been lifted. - Healing had happened.  

At 4pm, I went and had coffee with Dave.  God had an agenda for us, like He always seems to have lately.  Dave and I started having coffee a few months ago. God would direct the "coffee time' and promt when it should happen.  God even told us, mostly Dave, what we wer going to tlak about.  I love how God does details SO well. About a month ago Dave told me that he still believes that we are going to get married one day and it's still Gods plan. 

Yesteday was the day where we took a fundamentally BIG step towards this. We had to decide if we were ALL in and there were no plan B's. We were 100% after Gods plan, that we weren't going to have plan B's and that this was it.  I knew on Monday evening that I was over Plan B's and my own plan and that Iwanted God and His more than anything in the world, so my answer was easy.  YES! This is what I want. 

After we had both agreed that this was it and it's what we wanted, Dave then said the next step is to start the courting process again.  I'm scared and nerous and excited ALL at the same time!!! We have no idea what it's going to look like or how we're going to do this becasue God's been specific that it won't be our way but His. This verse "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord" Isiaih 55:8, kept running through my head.  It gives me hope that this is going to be good becasue it's Gods and that's EXCITING!


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