On Friday morning I woke up feeling a little like death warmed up and I should have gone to the doctor then, but I refused to believe I was getting sick so I went to work instead. On Saturday I flt worse and on Sunday I started feeling faint every now and then.... If this wasn't enough of a clue that I was in fact sick I don't know what was.... On Monday morning I started with a small tiny cough and David was like, "you're going to the doctor" so off I went. I returned home with a note saying I had sinusitis and was booked off from work until Thursday, as well as three bags of medicine in my hands.

Monday passed in a blur of of a stuffy head that felt like it was going to explode every time I moved, lots of sleep and some Roller Coaster Tycoon - a computer game I like to play that involves the creation of theme parks.
Yesterday, Tuesday, David woke up with the same symptoms I had when I first started getting sick so I suggested that he should go to the doctor before he also ended up as sick as I was. He returned home with the same three bags of medicine as me as a note saying he was also booked off until Thursday.

Today I may go a bit a loopy with staying in bed with a head that feels like it's being squeezed and sore ears... but I guess some more Roller Coaster Tycoon will be in order and maybe I should read a book because they are often way better than watching TV. I can even say I'm looking forward to going back to work tomorrow.... there's only so much of lying around and getting better I can take. My body must just get better while I carry on with life.
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