11 July 2013


I watched "Faith Like Potato's" today.  I read the book a while ago and the movie has been sitting on my desk for a while, so after the longest sleep ever, I decided to watch the movie.  I cried throughout the WHOLE movie. I blame my emotional state on the fact that I'm sick and that my whole body hurts.

Angus Buchan says, "The conditon for a miracle is difficulty, for a great miracle - impossibility" This statement is soooooo true. He goes out on a whim and plants potatoes becasue he believes that God told him to plant them.  The ground is dry, they're living in a dought and everyone thinks that he's a bit crazy.  At the end of the season and it's time to dig up the potoatos they are completely blown away buy the size and amount of potoatos.  God performed a great miracle that day - everything was against a great cropof potatos but God did it and they had an abunant crop.

So..... this got me thinking about faith and how strong my faith is, especially in the area of becoming a full time missionary.  I totatally understand that being a missionary is a full time thing where ever you - we are called to shine out light to everyone.  The thing I've been struggling with over the past few weeks, is wondeing if I'll ever get to be a full time missionary.  I had to lay the whole Africa thing down at Gods feet and walk away from it.  It's tempting to go back and pick it up and be like, "I'm going to be a missionary in Africa" but that's not for me to say. God's going to send me... well Dave and I where he wants to send us. For now it's Cape Town, so I need to be here and not wishing to be in Africa. Lately I've been feeling that I don;t have enough faith to believe that God's still calling me to be a missionary... but after a few moments of talking to my self firmly today, I realised I wouldn't have the heart I have if God wasn't calling me to this.  I also reminded myself that God is still growing me and preparing me for full time missionary work. He's not done yet, even though it doesn't feel like he's doing anything - he is.

It's kind of like the pototos.  God was growing them, but Angus couldn't see them or what was going on under the ground. He had to have faith in God and that he would come through.  And God did, becasue he is faithful - EVEN when we doubt.  At the moment, it feels like I'm in the dark about the future and being a missionary. It also feels like it's an impossiblility, but God is faithful and he's working, he's also the God of the impossible. I just need to refocus and trust that he does in fact have a plan and purpose for me.


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