19 February 2014

Let your yes be yes and your no be no

I have a pet hate, it's when people reply "maybe" to an event on Facebook. I know that we live in a society where people are always looking for the next best thing so they don't want to commit to anything just in case something better pops up. I feel that this is rather rude, but I try to let it go.

I had a new thought on this the other day. I've been working through the book, "Keep your love on" and one of the points is when you say yes to something you're saying no to something else. It's all your choices and what you're choosing to do. When I read this, I thought about how people say maybe and thought maybe they say "maybe" to an event because they don't want make a choice, but what about not wanting to hurt the person's feelings who is organising the event.  I kind of feel when you say maybe, you're giving someone a false hope that you're coming - when in fact you're most likely not going to go and you don't want to hurt someone feelings.

This is being wishy-washy and hurts more in the long run than if you just say no.

I feel and I'm trying hard to do this, if you don't want to do something/go to an event just say no. Don't say maybe.

... what about the exception?

There is an exception for replying with a maybe.. if you genuinely don't know if you can make it or not because of an event you have before. I feel that it's acceptable to do this, but then please give a reason.

So let your yes be yes and your no be no.... and don't be undecided with a maybe.


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