17 March 2016

I started studying again

... so this kind of happened again.

I decided to do an online digital marketing course this year. It's a 10 week short course through Getsmarter. It was kind of a tough decision to make regarding what I wanted to study as there is so much to choose from, but I decided on this because deep down I've always wanted to study digital marketing and as an added bonus my company offered to pay for me to do the course.

How it works is that each week a new module is released and you work through notes, (a lot I might add), and a mini video lecture before completing an assignment, as well getting involved in a group discussion on the topic.

The course started last week and I'm really enjoying it, I feel like I'm using my brain again which is a good thing. The only hard thing is working in the evenings when I am super tired. I really don't know how people do it, or how I did it when I was a student in round one and two. Even though this taking a lot of "I can do this" and "it's another late night" I am super excited to learn everything that I'm learning.


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