13 October 2014

Love your neighbour as yourself...

If I were to choose one bible verse as the one to live your life by it would be Mark 12:30 - 31 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The is this" "love your neighbour as yourself." There is no greater commandment than this."  (so it's two.. but who's counting)

I think that these two verses are pretty fundamental in how you treat people, especially the second one. We live in a world where people base their relationships on things they "like" about someone. As soon as this person does something that they don't like they often go cold towards the person.

I've often heard people say, "argggh! I don't like so and so, they annoy me", or "when so and so speaks to me I get so irritated and they ruin my whole day, I don't like them"  This got me thinking about how God calls us to love everyone, even our enemy. This leaves me with the question of how do we show love, real love, the kind of love that God calls us to give when we say this about people who irritate us?

A few years ago there was someone who really rubbed me the wrong way, I would get really frustrated whenever they opened their mouth and would always try to leave the room as soon as they entered. Then I started praying about this and the person and God was like, "Go and spend time with them" I was like - "What?!". Randomly they invited themselves to something I was going to and we ended up spending the afternoon together. This then became a weekly thing and now we're pretty good friends.

My point... to learn how to love someone you don't really like, like Jesus loves them you need to spend time with them and get to know them. You need to look past the "aarg! you are so annoying " and see the real person behind whatever it is that annoys you about that person.

I also think it's also important to realise that we can also be pretty annoying and Jesus looks past that and sees the real you and loves us. I think this should challenge us to love like that as well...


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