12 May 2014

...even in the quiet

I was reflecting back on my walk with the Lord and was comparing it to how it used to be. Back in the day, when I was a "new" Christian it was all the big signs from God, the uber loud voice from him backed up with big signs that I had to do something. I was also about the big, over sensationalized worship experiences that left me feeling "high" and super close to God for a few days until life hit me in the face again. Now that I am more mature in my faith, I have realized that you need to have a more stable and constant experience with God and an understanding that it's not aways about the highs. God doesn't only speak in the "big and loud" but also in the small, quiet and stillness.

I've found that God speaks more to me during the quiet and the stillness. I still experience him when I go to worship concerts or powered up sermons, but I also know that when it's quiet I can still hear him. I've also learnt that I don't need to go and find a big sign to know God is still there, I can seek him in the quiet of my own heart and I will find him. Jeremiah 29:13 and the beginning of verse 14 says; " You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord". This verse always reminds me that God can be found in any moment, the good and bad times. It also reminds me that when I don't feel him or hear from him all I need to do is seek him with my whole heart to find him and not rely on going to an over sensationalized event to experience, like I would have in the past.

I also think that it's comforting to know that God can be found though a multiple of experiences, the loud, quiet, angry and even when he seems distant. We just need to call out to him and BOOM he'll be there. 


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