6 June 2013

IT'S not ALL about ME

Last night the topic at Gap was a servants heart and Teen Church on Sunday was all about how "It's not all about you". It was all about how life is not all about ourselves, but about how Jesus wants us to live a lifestyle that is others focused.  This is very different to how the world paints our lifestyles.  The world says it's all about me, but being a Christian, as I'm discovering lately is living counter culturally. 
I said to my kids at Gap last night that I don't want to be one of those people who walk around telling people I'm Christian, I want them to see that I am a Christian by how I live my life. So here's the challenge... how do I live Mathew 7:16 "You can tell what they are by what they do" (CEV)

I think it goes further than my ministry.  It's not in the places I serve, such as Gap, teen Church etc.  I think it comes down to my every day living.  It's my attitude when I do things. It's how I greet people and how I engage with people.  I often joke with my friends that I have a sign on my forehead that says, "freaks welcome" or "talk to me" because I always seem to attract people who want to speak to me. I don't think there's a single day that goes by and someone doesn't say hello to me when I'm walking to work. Often, at least three times a week some random person will start talking to me on the taxi, while I'm walking to work, at lunch or in the lift at work.  I think these moments are important for God to use you to shine Him to these people.  I can either be rude and ignore them or I can engage with them and have a few minutes of chit chat.  What I want to do most days is directly linked to my mood, but I need to remind myself that life is about shining Jesus to people.

I also think we need to be willing to help people even when it's inconvenient.  Someone once said to me that Christians should be the most interruptable people ever. We should welcome interruptions. God interrupts our agendas and plans with His own plans and agendas ALL the time.  When He sends someone our way for a chit chat, or to ask us for help or to talk, we should welcome the distraction and embrace it full on and listen, engage with person or help them. 

After prepping the lesson for Teen Church and for Gap I feel challenged to be more open to people and to just shine Jesus to more people. I also feel challenged to be more of servant and to live less selfishly. 


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