I'm not going ruin it for you and tell you what the whole movie is about, all I'm going to say is that it's on prayer and how we need a battle strategy for praying for victory. In the movie a "war room" is created, a place to go and stick your prayers up and to pray - it's the place they went fight the war against the devil and to speak to God.
At the end of the movie I felt really challenged to do more battle in my prayers - to actually pray for God's victory in areas of my life, for my friends, family and community. I want to take my prayer life up a notch and start going into battle a bit more enthusiastically and with a more determined attitude. I already know that God has the victory - so I think it's time that I started praying from a place of victory, with power and as a warrior and not someone who is powerless. I also want to start sticking up some of my prayers so that I can be reminded to keep on fighting and also to tick off/mark when God answers the prayers. There's just something super awesome and encouraging in seeing God answer a prayer!
When David and I walked out of the movie last night I said to him that I wanted a room like that and he said I can have the man cave.... I was like that's not really fair on him so I've decided that I shall use a small section of the man cave to use as a war room for us to pray in, stick prayer up and encounter God in a new way.
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