It's day 22 of Dressember, and I have been "dressing" it up. It's pretty great putting on a dress every morning knowing that this month when I get dressed it's more than just a dress I am wearing. It's also a great way to remind myself that everyone has a right to freedom no matter their age, sexuality, sex, culture, religion or socio-economic status
Whenever I thought of human trafficking my mind automatically jumped to thoughts of people being sold for sex or forced labour. Recently I've discovered that people also get "trafficked" for their organs. The word "trafficked" here doesn't mean the person gets sold to someone who then removes their organs. When someone is "trafficked" for their organs it means they have been exploited for their organs.

The most popular organs that get removed are kidneys and liver. All other organs can also be removed even if they end up killing the person for the organ, such as the heart. Organ trafficking happens in three ways.
1. Victims are forced to give up their organs.
2. Victims sell their organs but are not paid as they were promised. They either receive less than agreed on or not at all.
3. The person is told they have something wrong with them and they receive treatment for this false illness, when they don't seem to get better the organ is removed.
Health 24 posted an interesting article called The dark world of Internet kidney trafficking. You can read more about it here.
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