Yesterday I went to two baby showers.The first one was Sonja and Greg's and then it was Chaana and Mathew's in the afternoon.

Sonja and Greg started the process to adopt a baby last December and they finally heard that they are getting a baby boy on 6 January. They received the exciting news earlier this week! I am SOOOOO excited for them! Sonja was sharing with us how they had spoken to their social worker earlier this month and she has said that it didn't look promising for the rest of the year. Greg then told the social worker that all he wanted was a baby for Christmas. We all know that God is in the miracle business and He answered their prayers for a baby. This has been one of the MOST special baby showers I have ever been to. The whole thing was a surprise and it also helped to get them into the "excited" or "more excited" stage of a baby is coming.

The second baby shower was a good friend of mines - Chaana. Her baby is due in February and I am SUPER excited to meet little Isabella. I kind of feel like I already know her a little bit just from the pictures of her scans that Cha has been sending me. I already have so much love for the little girl inside of her.The afternoon was filled with celebrating the soon arrival of little Isabella with cake, games and presents.
With all the cute things I saw when shopping for their presents and when I saw all the cute things they received, my heart kind of went all squishy and I almost felt broody... BUT I'm not there yet. :-)
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