18 December 2015

STOP Trafficking of People

It's day 18 of Dressember, and I have been "dressing" it up. It's pretty great putting on a dress every morning knowing that this month when I get dressed it's more than just a dress I am wearing. It's also a great way to remind myself that everyone has a right to freedom no matter their age, sexuality, sex, culture, religion or socio-economic status.

Stop Trafficking of People is a Christian organision based in Stellenbosch that helps create awareness of human trafficking. They have also partnered with various organisations to help combat human trafficking in South Africa. Their mission is to educate, warn and protect South Africans against this global phenomenon called human trafficking in order to prevent South Africa from becoming a human trafficking hot spot.

They create awareness by creating training material and various other resources that gets handed out to different groups of people from teachers, care-givers and parents. They can then use these packs to educate the children and adults they teach and even the people round them about human trafficking.  Another way they create awareness is with media, which is one of the quickest ways of reaching people now a days because we all have access to TV, radio and the Internet where adverts can be placed, or even short articles to make people aware of this.

Stop Trafficking of People have joined with law enforcement organisations to help combat human trafficking, as well as various other organisations, (such as Straatwerk, Justice Acts, Salvation Army, National Freedom network),  where they work together to combat this huge issue in the world. They have also started safe houses so that when someone has been rescued they have a safe place to go and stay and get rehabilitated back into society.


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