I use public transport because parking in Town is ridiculous, traffic is horrible and the petrol price is sky high , so for me taking the train just makes sense. I also take a taxi from the station to work after work back to the station.

Z, who often takes the train with me to work and home agrees with me that people who take the train need to follow some kind of etiquette. People who have HUGE backpacks should take them off when getting on the train so that they don't bash everyone around with it, especially when the train is full. The funny thing that always happens is that after they have bashed someone a couple of times, that person gets annoyed and pushes them. They then turn around as if to say, can I help you. This is normally followed with a grumpy, 'take off your back pack" and a few more people getting bashed around. Another pet peeve about taking trains is how they get SUPER full. What I really don't understand is why people have to try and squish into a train when it is already about to explode because it's so full... and then we have the people who take a running leap into super full trains crushing everyone in their way. This has happened a few time.
When people need to get off the train when the train is full... this is another situation that makes people REALLY angry. I understand that when the train is super full, you can't move anywhere so it's virtually impossible to let someone past you so they can get out. This is where people need to think and realise that the only possible thing to do is get off, let the people out and then get back on. People get super angry when they can't get off the train, they shove, push and bash people. I think getting off and letting then off is a better option. All that happens if that more people get angry.
Windows is another pet peeve and how no one opens them, but that's another blog post all together.
I never had a big issue with taxi's until recently. Normally people are pretty nice and move so you're not blocked in and can get out, but recently this has changed. Two mornings in a row a lady refused to get off the taxi to let myself and someone else get off. We had to literally climb over her. We were sitting in the back seat and she was in the chair that lifts up to let the people out, so obviously she had to get off and back in. She did not do this and then got annoyed with us when we climbed over her and our bums went into her face, or our bags knocked her. I was like really, you can't get upset about that when you should have moved.
I think yesterday took the cake in taxi travelling and inconsiderate people though. Myself and another lady got onto the taxi and had to go and sit at the back. Two people were already there and wouldn't move over to let us sit there, they just sat there blocking the way to the far back corner. While I was asking them to move, which the ignored the taxi driver shot off and I went flying into the guy blocking the way. Hands landed inappropriate and things got squashed. He then got angry with me for falling on him. I just looked at him and said, you could have moved over and I wouldn't have fallen onto you. The lady who got on with me, looked at him and said the same thing as we climbed over him. We also had to climb over the lady sitting next to him, who got annoyed because our arms were going into her face and we were toppling over because the taxi was going at full speed down the road. When I eventually got to sit down, I was like "sjoe - people need to think of other people. I totally get that sitting in the back isn't the best seat, but you are not the only person on the taxi and there are other people who need to sit there as well."
It doesn't take a lot for someone to be considerate of the other people around them and move over or be polite. Often people shout at the taxi driver over silly things, when they should be saying thank you for the lift. What happened to "treating people how you want to be treated"? Have people become so self involved and selfish that it's all about them, where they want to sit, where they want to go and how they want things to be? What happened to manners, politeness, respect and consideration of other people?
Using public transport often irritates me and makes me angry, but I never shout at the driver or the people around me. I always ask them to move before I have a hundred canaries because they're annoy me. There are plenty of times when I want to bash someone with my bag or snap at them, but I don't because everyone needs to be shown a little bit of grace every now and again and I certainly wouldn't want someone to bash me around, if I was in the way.
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