2 October 2013

Daddy... when did you get so old?

For a while now I've been wanting to do a post on righteousness and one on standing on the truth. I keep putting it off, but really all I need to do is sit down and type out my thoughts.  While I was driving home from Dave now, I thought "I must write at least one of these when I get home" I had decided on the righteousness one... but when I walked through the front door and saw my dad and his friend Colin sitting there my thought of what I would blog about changed.

I looked at my dad and at Colin and thought, "WOW! When did they get so old?" I then let my mind drift for a bit, as I slipped into a realm of memories. I remember when I was little and we would go and visit Colin and have braai's my with them. I thought about how brother and I stayed over there one night.  I thought about my dad and how he was always busy doing things we were younger, fixing things, working in the garden, on his car, building things and playing golf.  I thought about how he was so full life and how nothing seemed to bother him.

When I look at my dad now, I see a frail man, who is less than full of life. He's gone from being my hero, the man in my life who could conquer the world and protect me from all monsters and bad things to a really old man.  It scares me a little bit to see him like this. It also scares me because it feels like he got really old, very quickly but I know it's been gradual over the past few days.  I'm also really scared that he is going to die soon, like a lot sooner than we think.  I know that everyone has a time a time to die and we die eventually. It even says in the bible, "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die", (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2). I also know that God is control of when we die and all that BUT at the end of the day it's still scary.

It's funny how when you're little you imagine that your parents will be around for forever, but the older you get the more you let that go as you come to the realisation that, that is so not true.  I think it's a tough thing to grapple with and come to terms with.  I try not to be scared or to worry about my dad dying, and to trust God with everything linked to it and some days are better than others. 

mmmm... I guess I'll have to blog about righteousness and standing on truth another day. 


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