One of the things that I struggle with the most in walk with God is letting go.
I think this is the hardest thing for me to do, and I think it stems from the fact that I have a deep need to be in control of EVERYTHING. There have been countless things over the past few years where God has asked me to let go of things such as relationships, friendships, dreams, material stuff, etc. Each time He tells me to let it go there's generally a battle between us and then gradually I surrender control over to Him. Often it's a draining process for me, because I fight God every step of the way, drag my feet and hold on to the corner of the thing until I just give up and surrender it. This normally occurs after a few "angry words" and A LOT of tears. One thing I have learnt through this traumatic process is that life is so much better when we just let go of the things we hold onto and let God have them.
So why does God want us to let go of things?
MOST of the time we need to let go of something because we've turned it into an idol. It's become something or someone who is more important to us than God. We become totally fixated on that thing, person or relationship and care more about it, or opinion etc. of the person than God and what He thinks. We somehow get so wrapped up in the thing, that we forget God in a way.
In Leviticus in the bible, God says that we shouldn't have idols. It also tells us that God is a jealous God. He doesn't want us to worship anything or anyone other than him. When we make something or someone more important than Him, that's what we do.
When we create an idol, God often shakes it and asks us to let it go.
God wants to be in control and He wants the glory for something. When we hold onto control and try to control the outcome, often it goes pear shaped and not how God wants it turn out.
God often tells us to let go of control so that He can work in the situation and do what he wants to do.
my musings...
People often say that hind sight is 20:20, or whatever the expression is and it's so true. When I've let go of the idol or surrendered control over to God things often improve. I've also discovered that it allows God to work and turn that situation out for our good. I've also learnt that letting go of friendships or relationships doesn't always mean it's over and you can't be their friend, it just means that God wants to do something new and different - often making the friendship/relationship stronger and way better. I've also learnt from letting go that God does really have something better in store for you, something cooler, more awesome and greater than you can possibly imagine or comprehend.
I think I can honestly say that letting go of what God tells you to let go of is generally the best option.
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