Last night I took my brother to the circus, za/.
I was super excited! We were going to go last week Thursday but it was sold out before we got to the front of the queue. I was so sad that I wanted to cry, but I put my big girls pants on and told my brother that we'll go next week Thursday. On Monday I went to buy tickets and but they were closed, so I asked my mom to go yesterday morning at 10am, when the ticket office opened. At 10:30am I smsed her and asked if she had gotten the tickets and she said yes. My inner child went "YES!!!!" As the day went by the more excited I got.
At 7pm we left for the circus and went straight to the line to buy popcorn and drinks before heading into the big tent. The first show were the lions and white tiger. We were ninja and managed to take some pictures before I was told to stop taking pictures.

I enjoyed watching the lions and the tiger but after about 5 minutes I was over it and thought they shouldn't be performing in a circus but should rather be in the wild. After the lions can acrobats and trapeze artists and jugglers and clowns, there were ponies and a donkey, camels and dogs. There was a man running in a giant hamster wheel in the air and a fire eaters. It was an AWESOME evening.
My brother, who has Down Syndrome, LOVED every bit of it. He exclaimed with joy, waved like a crazy person at the people dressed up as mice and clapped along with everyone else.
I think he thoroughly enjoyed himself - as much, if not more than me.
What made going to the circus even more special for me was that I had gone with my brother and that we had a really awesome time together. I think that's what made the night the best night EVER in a LONG time!
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