22 March 2013

Adventures on my day off

Today was one of the best days EVER!

A while ago Terri and I were talking and she was telling me how she wants to do something on her off day, which is a Friday. She then said that she would like to go to Robben Island one Friday. I then said that I would go with her if she went on the 22nd of March because I had the day off. We agreed that this would be the day. On Wednesday 13 March, we went to The Nelson Mandela Gateway, at the Waterfront to book our tickets.

This morning we arrived just before 8am at the Waterfront to board out ferry at 8:30am. The ferry left at 9am and we arrived at the island at 9:30am. During the boat trip we went and stood outside on the deck of the boat and FROZE in the wind, but the view was AWESOME!We had awesome views of table mountain, lions head and the stadium. The view out to sea was also really pretty before we spotted the island. 

When we arrived we were ushered onto buses and went around the island on a bus tour, before getting to the prison where we had a tour given by one of the ex-prisoners.

If you never knew that Robben Island was an island that once was a hospital for lepers and then a maximum security prison, you would think that it was a small little town. It has houses on it, which the people who work on the island live in, a medi-clinic, a B&B and some sport facilities. It has two churches and a kravat. It's also really beautiful on the island. 

During the tour of the prison, we stopped and looked at Nelson Mandela's cell. All that was in it was a blanket ont he floor, a small table and a bucket.  Terri and I had the same thought.  The whole building is fill of cells, but we only look at the one that was NElson Mandela's one.  All the other cells that lined the building also belonged to someone who had been locked up on the island once.

 After the trip to the Robben Island, Terri and I stopped at Kuaui and had sandwiches before heading to Kirstenbosch to join Mel, Annie, Mrs J, Wendy and Megan for Megan's suprise birthday tea. It was an awesome ending to and awesome day. Kirstenbosch is one of the BEST venues for a picnic. We spend the afternoon eating yummy scones and laughing. We laighed so much my stomach and face muscles hurt. IT WAS AWESOME!!


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