David and I have been married for almost 1 year and 9 months - WOW! The time flies! I think we need to have some champagne and celebrate 1 year and three quarters.... but let me get back to the point...
One of the biggest things that I have been learning in my marriage is how it's not all about me and what I want. Its more about showing grace and loving like Jesus which is unconditional.This lesson kind of hit home this week. This week has been kind of rough in the sense that it was hectic because I started a new course and had quite a bit to still prepare for a friends kitchen tea when it came to making décor and getting it printed. Somewhere in all the prep for the kitchen tea I lost sight of what it was really about and started to focus on getting everything 100% perfect. When things were not going as planned I kind of snapped and was not the greatest person to be around - especially when I showed very little grace to David when he had taken time off from work to get stuff printed for me and to help me design the things I wanted to make etc. This desire to get everything right didn't really help when I then started seeing everything through the glasses of nothing is right in the world. I really can be nasty and ungracious when I wear these glasses.
Last night after another rant of nothing is working how I want it to work and finally completing everything except the baking part for the kitchen tea and most of the second unit of my course, I kind of had a revelation. I realised that I had been an absolute cow towards David this week. I had been unappreciative of how much time he had spent helping me. Not only had he printed stuff, helped me design stuff, cleaned the house and helped me with my course he also put up with all my moaning and hysteria when things were not as I wanted. He also sat up with me while I worked and then spent time listening to me before we went to sleep so we could connect in all the crazy. I was treating him like he was the biggest jerk on the planet this week instead of being grateful that I married someone who supports everything I do and is willing to help with it. After I realised this I went to David and apologised to being so mean this week and for loosing sight of the bigger picture by focusing on everything being perfect.
When I got to work this morning I saw a link to a post called "The best Marriage Advice I Ever Heard" by The Dating Divas and it kind fit into what I had gone through this week. I read the article before, but it was such a good reminder to read today. Basically the advise this lady heard at her kitchen tea was to remember that she hadn't married a jerk... which is kind of what I needed to be reminded of this week. After I read this article I sat and thought about it and then prayed about my heart. I then thought about how I am really grateful that I have married someone who just kept on loving me and showing me grace this week even though I was pretty unlovable and probably needed a smack.
(Noo, if you are reading this thank you for being the most amazing Jesus shining person I know - who kept on being SO gracious towards me and still loving me even though I was pretty impossible this week!)
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