For a while now I've been thinking about and discussing how I want to deactivate my Facebook account. The main reason for wanting to deactivate it was because it stole so much time from my life. I would spend tons of time scrolling through pictures, watching videos and reading random stuff that didn't add any value to my life at all - I would say that it did, but the reality is that it didn't really. I would often discuss with David how I don't want it because I waste so much time on it but then I would be scared of missing out, also know as FOMO and then not do it. For the past few weeks I had deleted it off my phone which meant I would read a real book on the bus and not waste the time of Facebook, but it never really solved the problem of wasting time in general.
This morning while I was on the bus I was thinking about the whole Facebook thing and how it really impacts my life. Besides the standard - it helps me stay connected with family and friends overseas argument, it doesn't really benefit my life in all. I also don't think it impacts it positively either. If I really want to connect with family and friends overseas I can email them or Skype them - I have other mediums of technology available to me, which makes my argument null and void.
I find that Facebook steals real life connecting time from me with my husband. I would spend time on Facebook when I could be talking to him. I think I often look at Facebook before I even say good morning to him... this is not good for connection in marriage. I decided that this needed to change and the only way to do that is to deactivate my account.
Another reason I decided to activate my account is I would get SUPER annoyed with what I would see. At the moment there's a lot of racist , white privilege, and let's slate our president and ruling party posts. This makes me really angry when I see this. As a Christian I am called to honour the people who are in charge - no matter what they do. When I see other Christian people jumping on this band wagon of posts I get really angry. I also don't want to see stuff like that.
I also get annoyed with all the random stuff Facebook makes me look at like adverts. If I want to look at adverts for things I'll go and look. I really don't need anymore temptations to buy shoes etc. from Zando.
The third and last reason why I've deactivated my account it how it sparks gossip. I saw a post by a friend yesterday that got me questioning something. I then discussed it with David and after thinking about what we spoke about and what I said I was left questioning if it was gossip. I've also started conversations of "I saw on Facebook.... " or been in conversations with people where it starts like that, which could be classified as gossip. I don't like gossip and I certainly want to remove a source of gossip from my life, which is why I decided to deactivate it.
I may let FOMO get the better of me and reactivate my account later today, next week or next month... but for right now I don't want it anymore.