28 November 2015

Four Chairs - A play by Wayne Ronne

Last night we went to watch Wayne's play, Four Chairs at the Masque Theatre. He wrote and directed the play himself - so super proud of him!

The show is about Andrew and Chad who are best friends and room mates, Sarah, Chad's girlfriend and Abby her best friend, as well as the nosey neighbour and the maintenance guy who has a bit of a crush on the neighbour. Andrew is a bit broken and is struggling with a breakup, everyone notices that there is something deeply wrong with him - that he lost his sparkle and they all try and help him.  One of the ways is with a dinner party that kind of goes wrong.

This play captivated me from the beginning with the realness of emotions shown and the friendship dynamics. It was a real emotional roller coaster ride of laughter and heart plummeting moments as the  you found out more about each character and their love for each other as a group of friend.

As my husband David says; "The whole thing was my favourite part!" 

This was a really, really good show!


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