23 July 2015

....and then we needed an ambulance

On Monday morning I faced one of the scariest moments of my life. David called me and was like have you heard from your mom. I was like, no. He then said she just called me and asked me to call an ambulance for your dad, he's struggling to breathe.

My brain instantly jumped to "HE'S GOING TO DIE" and everything in me went into total freak out because daddy's are supposed to be indestructible.... right?

The thing that added to this freak out is that over the last year my dad has gotten rather frail and well... old. He's also been somewhat sick, not like sick - sick but the old people kind of sick. When he went to the doctor at the beginning of the year we were told that he didn't have much longer to live so when I get a phone call like "we need an ambulance for your dad" - I go into freak out way to quickly.

David fetched me and we went to the hospital to find out what happened and how my dad was. When we got there he was sitting drinking tea - but was rather pale and very short of breath. He was supposed the be wearing the oxygen mask. We spent some time chatting to him before we were booted out of the emergency unit by the nurses. When we arrived there later he had no real answers and looked quite frail. David's mom, who knows just about everyone in the medical industry was able to get a nurse to look in his file and feed us some information. Which confirmed he was not dying. He just had a lung infection and the warfarin levels in his blood were toxic. This somewhat calmed my tattered nerves down a bit... but I was still super freaked out.

We went to visit him at the hospital last night and he looked a bit better - still frail but he was breathing a little bit better and was more chirpy, which is a good thing.

Deep down I am still quite freaked out by all of this, even though he's doing better it's still scary seeing my dad in hospital. It also drove the reality a little deeper into my heart that he's not going to be around forever.


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