2 April 2015

God's Creation

This morning I kind of felt like I had been slapped in the face by someone in the office.... Sometimes I don't understand what goes through peoples minds before they open their mouth to say something. This is what happened... I was walking from their desk to the kitchen area and she said to me... "your calves have gotten bigger." I turned around looked at her and was like pardon, she then proceed to justify what she said by saying it's probably from all the exercise you do. I carried on my way to make some coffee feeling like crap because I don't really want to be told I'm getting bigger anywhere on my body at this point. I then started thinking of things to do to make my legs thinner etc...

When I got back to my desk the same person had sent me the following link on how we are cruel to our bodies with what we think about it.  http://www.women24.com/Wellness/BodyAndSpirit/This-ad-will-make-you-realise-how-cruel-you-are-to-yourself-20150331

After watching it I was like this is so true... I seldom think of or have anything nice to say about my body but I also wanted to scream at the person in the office who commented on my calves and wanted to say, "you just did this to me"

I then sat and breathed deeply for a bit to calm down. Something in my head just said... "Remember what God says about you". I was instantly taken to verses that I have stuck in my heart... "You are wonderfully made" - Psalm 149:13 and "you are Gods masterpiece" -  Ephesians 2:10.

I then thought so what if I have big calves - God still thinks I'm wonderfully made and I should care less about what other people think I look like instead of what the truth is. This isn't always the easiest thing to do but I think it's time I started standing on the truth more and less on what other people around me say.



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