"He has made everything beautiful in its time." Ecclesiastes 3:11
This is the verse that pops into my head when I think about David's and my story. God took a relationship He started in 2010 which had turned into a huge mess in 2011 because we took our eyes off of Him and made a relationship that should have had God at the center one where that wasn't true and turned it into something beautiful.
I remember when we broke up in August 2011. I was so angry and threw my toys out of the cot when God was like, "give me a year". I remember sitting in my room going, "God, I want it back now" but God was like, "keep loving him and give me time" I was like "no", but after I had seen the light and stopped stamping my foot at God I kind of understood that God needed time to fix things, ideas, broken hearts and things from the past. He also needed time, which brings me to the verse at the top.. "in His time, he makes everything beautiful"
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