This week has been a pretty epic week in that three people I know gave birth to their babies. All three babies came a few weeks early - it's like they just wanted to come out and meet everyone in the world.
On Monday morning, Nuzhat gave birth to Ninja Noah. Ninja is not his name, it's what we're calling him until the naming ceremony on Saturday. I'm pretty excited to meet this little boy.
On Tuesday afternoon, Anne - David's step sister gave birth to Nathan. We went to visit him on Wednesday evening. He is just the cutest little thing ever.
It was also really special to watch Haley, his older sister interact with him and ask her parents if she could hold her little brother. When we arrived George was like "you can hold him", which I did. He was sooooo tiny and light.
On Wednesday afternoon, Chaana had Isabella. She was in the same hospital as Anne so we got to pop in and visit Cha and see her brand new bundle of "baby-ness". When we arrived Cha also said that I can hold her. When I tried to scoop her up I was soooo scared I would break her, but I think babies are a lot more resilient than we think. When I held Isabella it was the most amazing thing ever. This little bundle was literally brand new and everything was there in the right place, her hair and nails and little feet. Meeting Isabella was also pretty special because Cha has been sending us pictures of her ultra sounds and keeping us updated about her progress. It's like we already knew her before we had even met her.
During the whole drive home I was thinking about how God has designed us in such a way to carry a baby, but also how He is able to take two cells and then mould them into a whole person. Not only does He put your body together perfectly but He makes you with SUCH love and with a planned adventure for your life filled with so much purpose. It's amazing!