25 August 2015

Starting the new vegetable crop

A while ago I ordered a bunch of seeds from a really cool website called Seeds for Africa for me to restart my vegetable garden now that spring is on the way. In Winter we get very little sun in our back garden so everything we currently had in the garden went a bit dormant and grew very  slowly... but now that spring has arrived, well just about arrived I've decided it's time for a revamp and planted some seeds.

I planted melon, egg plant, cauliflower, two types of tomatoes and cabbage seeds in prepared seeding trays and some egg boxes. This is to prevent worms and whatever else may decide to eat them or stop them from germinating. It also allows me to keep the soil damp so they do grow.

Once everything was watered I then realised that I needed signs for my vegetables so that I know what is what when it grow... the problem was I had kind of forgotten where what was planted.  The other problem was what to use as markers. Using paper tags was the first idea, but not really ideal with water washing the ink off. I then decided on cable ties - which I think was pretty clever.

These got stuck into the pots where I kind of think I planted the seeds that matched the labels... all shall be revealed when they start growing.

Eeeeeeek! I get super excited thinking about my seeds growing. I can't wait for them to grow!



20 August 2015

A LONG weekend away with FRIENDS

A bunch of us went away for the long weekend two weeks away. We all headed off to the Franskraal house for a weekend of adventure and LOTS of good food!

On Sunday we headed to The Birkenhead Brewery for some wine and beer tasting. I must say that this did not live up to my levels of expectation. I kind of expected something more. We were seated at a table in the restaurant and then the beer and wine was bought out to us. The beers were given nice write up's of the flavours etc, but the wine was just placed in front of us with the name of the wine. We were then left to do the tasting. I kind of expected someone to explain what we were tasting etc. They were also busy - which could have been why nothing was explained, but then I think they need to hire more staff. The area around the brewery is SOOOOOO pretty though - I think Dave and I should have lunch there one day.

After all the alcohol was consumed we definitely needed something to soak it all up so we headed on a mission to find some pancakes - this was a lot harder than we thought it would be in Gansbaai.
The rest of the weekend was spent doing weekend away type of things such as walks on the beach and coffee in front of the fireplace.

Not to forget all the yummyy food we made and ate, especially the chocolate lava pudding Kyle made. A weekend way with friends is never complete until someone makes French toast...

All in all - going away with friends is the best! It's definitely on my top 10 favourite things to do list...

19 August 2015

My dad


About two weeks ago my dad passed away. We were pretty well prepared for it because in a it's been a long time coming king of thing. The doctor also told us at the beginning of the year that he had 6 months to a year to live. When I heard this, I was like "you can't play God and you most certainly can't tell someone how much longer they have to live." I guess the doctors were right...

My dad was diagnosed with emphysema and sclerosis of the liver about 10 years ago - which never scared him to stop smoking or drinking. I think at times - especially in the last few years he smoked and drank more than ever before. Anyway - before I digress... let me get back to the point.

We saw my dad on the Monday evening and he looked pale but I thought he was ok... On Wednesday night an ambulance arrived - we met him and my mom at hospital and three hours later he was gone. I stood there and watched him take his final breath and in a surreal kind of way it felt like I was in an imaginary place watching something that wasn't my life... until the truth finally hit me on the Thursday evening.

My dad always said that when someone dies you should remember all the good times we had... which kind of makes me sad when I think of all the great things my dad did and the time we spend with him because it's still so soon since he passed away and went to Jesus. He also said to have a whiskey - which I did at his wake - gross!

He did all the daddy things you do with daughters... teach them to drive, how to put up shelf - which requires drilling holes, (I broke a few drill bits in the process). He taught me how to play golf and how to mow a lawn. I think my passion for gardening is a 50/50 mix from both my mom and dad. He also introduced me to bad food like KFC and to a lifetime favourite of fish and chips from Fish On The Rocks.

My dad believed in me and always encouraged me to be whatever I wanted or do whatever I wanted to do. He was also my partner in crime when I needed to convince my mom to let me stay out past curfew, shorten my skirt, get another dog or another pet in whatever form they came in from bird to rabbit. The only pet she was firm about not getting was another cat after Cinders died. We did try - but we couldn't saw her.

My dad was also kind, loving and cared just about everyone he met. He poured into their lives and was willing to give a helping hand all the time.

He was a friend to some, a husband to my mom, a helping hand to others but to my brother and me he was the best dad in the world!


5 August 2015

The Coconut

We've had a coconut in our fruit bowl for just about forever now... about a month in all honesty and we've been meaning to cut it and eat it for just as long. This last Saturday I was like, "Dave, we really need to eat this". The next thing I know the coconut was open and ready to be eaten.

After a while Dave says to me; "coconuts can prove Jesus exists". I looked at him and asked if he could give me the short definition and not the full long full day definition fearing it was like the time he told me about the banana and how it can prove Jesus is real. I promise you it took him a WHOLE day to explain this to me... I don't really know why I continued to listen... I guess we do silly things when we have a crush on a boy.

Dave's reply was he couldn't give me the shortened version because he hadn't thought it through yet. All I could do was giggle as he started on his points...

His Points (the ones I remember)
  • They can kill you - more people die from getting hit on the head with a coconut than people who die from shark attacks. (I'm not sure how this one fits in... ho hum)
  • They are great for sharing and they promote fellowship because they can be used as bowls as well for when you share a meal.
  • Coconut is good for your skin so your skin doesn't look like a coconut shell
  • Coconut is good for your hair so your hair won't look like coconut hair.

That was all he had... I think the next time we eat coconut I may get a few more points from him.
